Obrigado a todos!
Enfim curado!
Depois de um ano de depressão, doente do corpo, mente e da
graças a amigos da internet, em especial Ana Maria Paiva,
que me tratou
boa parte do meu mal estar espiritual e físico.Ela vivia a dizer que
ia ser a primeira a estar na fila para um forte abraço e dedicatória, sei que onde
estiver está torcendo por mim, obrigado Ana por todas palavras e mensagem de quase
dois anos no Badoo e bem no final no Facebook.
“Do “convite do escritor Gilberto Martins, onde ganhei uma menção honrosa
no livro de Contos”, Palavra é Arte”entre vários escritores do Brasil.
Do concurso de poesia da
APAE, onde fizeram
um evento bacana aos poetas de todo Brasil, do convite do Sergio Paulo Rodrigues, apesar dos desencontros e aborrecimentos, a fatalidade
do falecimento da minha maior incentivadora,
irmã e mentora...Ana Maria Paiva que não pode me prestigiar em vida.
A minha irmã Maria de Lurdes que desembolsou o valor da
com a psiquiatra, onde me tratei até onde pude,me centrou em
meses o tratamento,
pois a minha fobia da noite e de gentes estava galopante.
A Cláudia Regina Molla que me convidou a participar desse mundo
Chamado: Mary Kay, ela me deu credito, confiou no meu perfil
e ser, apostou na minha carreira.Creio que entrar na empresa finalizou minha doença.
A minha diretora que aguenta minhas frescuras, rs A todas
amigas envolvidas nas vendas e compras,
e acima de tudo a Deus por ter me protegido da morte!...Num
assalto com agressão física, atropelamento,
suicídio, drogas permitidas e não permitidas,álcool,
assassinos e de precipícios espirituais
e matérias que passei.
Mais forte, com mais fé e confiante de um amanhã melhor e uma
melhor ainda após esta!
Obrigado de coração a todos!
After a year of depression, sick of body, mind and soul,
thanks to the internet friends, especially Ana Maria Paiva, who treated me
much of my discomfort espiritual.Ela lived to say it would be the first to be in line for a hug and dedication, I know where you're rooting for me, thanks for all words and message almost two years on Badoo, well at the end on Facebook.
"From" Gilberto Martins invitation where I won an honorable mention in the book of short stories, "is Word Art" among many writers of Brazil.
The poetry contest of APAE, where they
a nice event to poets from all over Brazil, Sergio Paulo Rodrigues invitation, despite disagreements and annoyances, the fate of the death of my most encouraging, friend,
friend , mentor ... Ana Maria Paiva.
My sister Maria de Lourdes which it paid the query value
with the psychiatrist, where I treated far as I could, focused me in months
for my phobia of the night and people were rampant.
Claudia Regina Molla who invited me to participate in this wonderful world
Call: Mary Kay, she gave me credit, relied on my profile and be bet in my carreira.Creio to enter the company ended my illness.
My director who can handle my frills, rs to all friends involved in sales and purchases,
and above all to God for protecting me from death! ... In a robbery, trampling,
suicide, allowed and not allowed drugs, alcohol, murderers and spiritual cliffs and materials spent.
Stronger, more faith and confident of a better tomorrow and a life
even better after this!
Thank you very much to all!
After a year of depression, sick of body, mind and soul,
thanks to the internet friends, especially Ana Maria Paiva, who treated me
much of my discomfort espiritual.Ela lived to say it would be the first to be in line for a hug and dedication, I know where you're rooting for me, thanks for all words and message almost two years on Badoo, well at the end on Facebook.
"From" Gilberto Martins invitation where I won an honorable mention in the book of short stories, "is Word Art" among many writers of Brazil.
The poetry contest of APAE, where they
a nice event to poets from all over Brazil, Sergio Paulo Rodrigues invitation, despite disagreements and annoyances, the fate of the death of my most encouraging, friend,
friend , mentor ... Ana Maria Paiva.
My sister Maria de Lourdes which it paid the query value
with the psychiatrist, where I treated far as I could, focused me in months
for my phobia of the night and people were rampant.
Claudia Regina Molla who invited me to participate in this wonderful world
Call: Mary Kay, she gave me credit, relied on my profile and be bet in my carreira.Creio to enter the company ended my illness.
My director who can handle my frills, rs to all friends involved in sales and purchases,
and above all to God for protecting me from death! ... In a robbery, trampling,
suicide, allowed and not allowed drugs, alcohol, murderers and spiritual cliffs and materials spent.
Stronger, more faith and confident of a better tomorrow and a life
even better after this!
Thank you very much to all!
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